Soft contact lenses should fail to correct sightedness and pleasant to the eye, to the touch. The magazine “Ökotest” has bought nine soft monthly lenses and in the laboratory test, including three with UV-protection. Let enough oxygen? They protect the eye from UV rays? And how it looks with the critical ingredients in the storage liquid, such as the buffer substance and the Bor?
The Tester can draw a positive conclusion: Five lenses cut “good”, two “very good”. Two lenses however with defects – they are rated as “adequate” and “deficient”.
The winner of the test is also the cheapest product in the Check: The month lens Biofinity the manufacturer Cooper Vision costs 3.75 euros per lens. It shares the first place with the “Air Optix Plus Hydra Glyde” (manufacturer Alcon Pharma). Also you can cut is “very good”. At a price of 5.26 euros per lens, however, is not quite as affordable as the Biofinity.
Ökotest checks monthly lenses: Two lenses to the lack of oxygen to the eye
One of the most important criteria in the Test, the oxygen permeability of the lenses. In the cornea of the eye cells, which are dependent on the substance, to be able to fluid inside the Eye pumps. The eyes be sealed by the lens, is threatening, in the worst case, damage to the swelling of the cornea.
The “Best View Soft month lens” of Rossmann (4,99 Euro/lens) shows in a laboratory test, significant deficiencies. “They remained below the value that applies to studies as a minimum requirement,” writes “Ökotest”. The lens cuts off, therefore, “deficient”.
The “Eyelike month contact lens” (4.95 Euro/lens) is weak in terms of oxygen permeability. Do not achieved in the laboratory test, although better values, but also in the optimum range. The test verdict: “enough”. Health risks are not, however, expect the two products. Users should, however, pay on a shorter wear time, advises “Ökotest”.
UV-protection with weaknesses
Three lenses from praise a UV-protection, including the two final lights of Eyelike and Best View. You can’t hold the values of the highest protection class according to contact lenses standard. The lens “Acuvue Vita 1-Month Replacemnet” to comply with the requirements. The Tester does not recommend, however, to rely solely on the protection of the lenses, since contact lenses shield only the pupil and the parts of the Iris. The Rest of the eye is exposed to the radiation. A pair of sunglasses that protects the entire eye.
In six products, Ökotest “discovered” the buffer material of boron (boric acid/borates). He’s in the storage liquid of the lenses and to ensure a stable pH-value. The content of the substance in the criticism, because he killed in animal studies, the unborn offspring, and barren.
The Test showed: Hardly a manufacturer specifies the ingredients of the liquid on the packing. Only two of the providers indicate that the contained borate. It will go on without the critical ingredient that show the two test winners. You are free of boron.
The full Test can be read for a fee here.