Chocolate is good for the heart Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Chocolate consumption lowers heart risk

Chocolate has not just the reputation to be healthy. However, in recent years, scientific studies have shown that the consumption of the popular Snack can have positive effects on the body. A new study shows that chocolate consumption is good for the heart.

At least once a week chocolate to eat is associated with a reduced risk for heart disease. This is evident from studies that have been published in the “European Journal of Preventive Cardiology”, Journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Good for the blood pressure

“Our study suggests that chocolate helps keep the blood vessels of the heart healthy,” said study author Dr. Chayakrit Krittanawong from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, in a statement.

“In the past, clinical studies have shown that chocolate is better for the blood pressure, as well as for the lining of blood vessels an advantage,” he continued. “I wanted to see if it affects the blood vessels that supply the heart (the coronary arteries) or not. And if so, whether this is useful or harmful?“

Risk by eight percent reduced

The researchers conducted an analysis of studies from the last five decades, in which the connection between chocolate consumption and coronary heart disease (blocked coronary arteries) was examined. The analysis included six studies with a total of 336.289 Participants who reported their chocolate consumption.

During a median follow-up period of almost nine years, developed 14.043 participants or participants in a disease of the coronary vessels and 4.667 had a heart attack (if the disease of the coronary arteries falls below the vessels and the blood flow is blocked to the heart of a sudden).

The consumption of chocolate more than once per week was according to the experts, in comparison with the consumption of chocolate less than once a week, with an eight percent decreased risk of coronary heart disease associated.

Heart Healthy Nutrients

“Chocolate heart contains healthy nutrients such as flavonoids, methylxanthines, polyphenols and stearic acid, the inflammation to be reduced and good cholesterol can increase (high-density Lipoprotein, or HDL) cholesterol,” explained Dr. Krittanawong.

The scientist noted that in the study, it was investigated whether a certain type of Chocolate is more advantageous, and whether there is an ideal serving size.

“Chocolate seems to be promising for the prevention of diseases of the coronary vessels, but further investigations are required to find out how much and what type could be recommended of chocolate,” he said.

Researcher warns of excessive consumption

Although it is not clear how much chocolate is optimal, warned Dr. Krittanawong from excessive consumption. “Moderate amounts of chocolate seem to be to protect the coronary vessels, but it is not likely that large quantities of doing this,” said the scientist.

“The calorie, sugar, milk, and fat in commercial products have to be taken into account, in particular, in the case of diabetics and obese people.” (ad)

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