Alcohol, in moderation, can be enjoyable, but during Christmas and New Year’s, many people may find themselves drinking excessively and drinking most days, which can have a harmful effect on the body and lead to serious health problems.
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The NHS recommends not drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week, and if a person drinks as much as 14 units a week it should be spread evenly over three or more days.
Having several alcohol-free days each week is also advised.
So what affects can drinking alcohol for prolonged periods have on the body?
According to Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient, drinking long-term can increase the risk of cancer of the liver, mouth, throat, voice box, oesophagus, colon and rectum.
He added: “Even a few drinks a week is linked with an increased risk of breast cancer in women.”
Dr Thornber goes on to list six more health problems linked to prolonged drinking.
Heart health
Heavy drinking can cause high blood pressure, according to Dr Thornber. High blood pressure can increase the risk of life-threatening conditions, including heart attack and stroke.
He said: “Heavy drinking can cause high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and in very severe cases, sudden death from heart failure.”
Weight gain
Alcohol is calorific and high in sugar, and if you drink every day for a month the impact on your waist line will be visible, warned Dr Thornber.
He said: “Excess weight gain can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure – amongst numerous other health related conditions.”
Sexual health
Bring drunk increases the chance of having unsafe sex.
Dr Thornber explained: “This can lead to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unplanned pregnancy.”
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Alcohol is a diuretic, which causes the kidneys to produce more urine, said Dr Thornber.
He added: “This, alone or with vomiting, can lead to dehydration and dangerously low levels of sodium, potassium and other minerals and salts.”
Just one single session of heavy alcohol use can lead to dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), said Dr Thornber.
He advised: “More than that can put huge pressure on the pancreas.”
Lack of vitamin B
Absorption of B12 from beef, dairy and eggs can be particularly affected by alcohol, and signs of deficiency include tiredness, breathlessness, headaches, pale skin and heart palpitations.
Dr Thornier explained: “A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to build-up of a compound called homocysteine, which in the long term could lead to heart attack and stroke.”
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