Tips to vegan cosmetics

Around a Million people in Germany are living vegan. It is a Trend – also in skin care and Make-up. What to look for in the product selection should pay attention

Schön lotions: goes well with vegan cosmetics

The waiver of products of animal origin, has made the leap from the niche. "Vegan" l&auml is;ngst not more, only on Müslip lacquering or Geträrestrict. Also, cosmetics manufacturers have jumped on the Trend.

But how is a vegan different from a normal care products? You dümay grundsäin addition, no substances from living or dead Tie­ren. But the word on the package is not guaranteed that this is really so. "The term vegan is not geschützt", Sabine B&auml says;umer, a pharmacist from Karlsruhe.

Accepted Seal

Many manufacturers mark their vegan products. "Uniform Qualitästandards there are dafür nicht", so Bäumer. A recognised seal of approval is the "Vegan-Blume". It is awarded by the British Vegan society since 1990, and guarantees that no animal ingredients or by-products are included. All of the ingredients mümust be been manufactured without animal testing.

Chemistry instead of nature

Vegan, cruelty-free, organic, öko – everything sounds good, does not mean the same thing. "Vegan cosmetics is not zwangsläoften, natural cosmetics or andersherum", erklärt Hautärztin Bee. Also natünatural ingredients köcan schließaddresses are derived from animals. In geprüshops products, NaTrue or the BDHI dümay only use substances from living animals. "Beeswax, honey or milk, for example, often darin", pharmacist B&auml says;umer.

Not components of dead vertebrates are allowed, as Nerzöl or marmot fat. Raw materials from invertebrates are not excluded. Many of the manufacturers of vegan cosmetics, try to avoid it, and rely on synthetically produced Alternatives. Hyaluronsäure was früforth from Hahnenkätrunks won. In the meantime, you will almost ausschließlich biotechnology produced logically. "Actually, there are no animal substances which cannot be replaced by herbal wären", expert Bee says.

Soy instead of springs

Keratins, for example, which is found in many hair care products, müshot not from hooves, feathers, or claws &ndash be won; it may also be soy. Sometimes animal products by substances on Mineralölbasis replaced – eco-friendly is not. The pharmacist rät to throw in case of doubt, a look at the list of contents: "Who is environmentally aware and animal-friendly m&ouml maintain;killed, needs to take a closer look."

Vegan Alternatives

Keratin: Protein from ground feathers, hair, or hooves. Often ­included in Shampoos or Spülungs. Vegan Alternative: Protein from Hülsenfrüwant, Mandelöl, soy.

Gelatin: a mixture of proteins, extracted from animal bones and skin. Often in face masks or Shampoos. Vegan Alternatives: Seaweed, Irländisches moss (Chondrus crispus).

Glycerin: Usually made from animal fats, for example beef tallow, made. H&auml is;often used in soap, toothpaste or ointment. Vegan Alternatives: vegetable Öle. As a raw material Palm&ouml but often;l used für is cleared for the cultivation of the rain forest.

Bees wax: an ingredient in many lipsticks, Lippenbalms and hand creams. Vegan Alternative: ­Carnauba wax or Paraffins. But note: Paraffins from Mineralöl manufactured.

Well für skin and animal

And how about the effectiveness and Verträemergency vegan cosmetics? Whether in a cream ingredients of animal or pflanz­origin stuck, play no role, says Dermatologist Bee: "Almost all of the natünatural and synthetic substances köcan allergies or Unverträopportunities auslösen. "

A good strategy is grundsäaddition products with möas possible just a few ingredients auszuwämiss. And that vegan cosmetics dispenses with components such as caviar extract and silk protein, schmänot, the dermatologist lert to their effects. Schließtheir effectiveness was already fragwürdig.