The most dangerous germs in your home and how to protect yourself

Some pathogens have a particularly high risk potential. They lead to diarrhoea, inflammation and in the worst case of blood poisoning. This is not to exotic specimens, but these scary germs house are microbes, i.e. in our environment. Anyone who knows you, can protect themselves against targeted.

Around ten billion micro-organisms live in and on us, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Most of the unicellular organisms are not only harmless, but also benefit the health. However, there are also a few villains, the “Bad Boys among them” among the bacteria that can make you sick – dangerously sick. This is especially true for the following pathogens, the micro-biologist Markus Egert of Furtwangen University, A germ, in his guide “” is called. “A germ” by Markus Egert – here at Amazon to order

Campylobacter: Horror on the chicken

Although infections with Salmonella, the germs in the chicken and eggs have decreased, because chickens are now vaccinated by default against these bacteria. Otherwise, however, it is with Campylobacter, another bacterium that can infect us about chicken, other meat and raw milk, but also by our Pets. Also, chicken eggs can be a source of infection if they are contaminated on the shell is clearly visible with chicken manure.

The bacteria primarily lead to a gastro-intestinal infection. The specific antibodies by the body against germs forms, sometimes against our nerve cells and the so-called Guillain-Barré syndrome trigger. This is an autoimmune disease of the peripheral nervous system that can lead to paralysis.

The incidence of Campylobacter infections is rising rapidly and currently amounts to 70,000 per year in Germany, the Robert-Koch-Institute reported. Striking: The Campylobacter infection, and particularly affects young adults between 20 and 29 years. Experts suggest that this age group know little about household hygiene know.

How to protect yourself: pay Attention for the preparation of meat on careful Hygiene. This includes everything that comes with the raw meat, it should be thoroughly washed. After the preparation, you should wash the hands thoroughly. Of course, meat should be cooked, raw milk must be boiled, dirty chicken eggs are thoroughly washed.

Escherichia: only in the intestine harmless

In every gram of stool, a billion Escherichia coli cells. The germs are an important part of the Multiple in the intestine. Outside of the intestine the germs can cause damage to the most well-known as a trigger of cystitis.

Certain variants of Escherichia mind, such as EHEC, enterohämorrhgaischer E. Coli, can cause life-threatening diseases. Bloody diarrhoea, kidney damage and in the late follow also Mini-strokes go on your account. In Germany, especially known of the EHEC outbreak in 2011 in which 53 people died. Cause of the sprouting of contaminated fenugreek seeds.

By the way, E. is to be found also in German hospitals. There, he not only leads to bladder infections, but also Meningitis in the infant or blood poisoning.

How to protect yourself: pay Attention to the chair of hygiene, clean yourself after using the toilet from front to back. You wash your hands before you eat. Pay attention to kitchen hygiene.

Stapyhlococcus aureus: the Zombie germ

No other potentially hazardous germ so widespread as Stapyhlococcus aureus. Every third of us is a carrier, especially on the nasal mucosa, the bacterium feels comfortable. It device over an open wound into the blood (such as through the handle of the nose to the wound), it can cause blood poisoning.

In addition, Stapyhlococcus aureus can lead to necrotizing fasciitis. This is a progressive inflammation, where tissue is dissolved. The Affected rot literally alive. Often Amputation will stop the spread of the inflammation. Because the bacterium also has another negative feature: It is often resistant, so no antibiotic can overcome.

This variant is referred to as MRSA, the acronym stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Methicillin is a test antibiotic. Against bacteria that do not respond to this drug are also most of the other antibiotics are powerless. MRSA is a well-known hospital germ, around 700,000 cases recorded by the European centre for disease prevention and control (ECDC) annually, with Europe far more than 33,000 cases of death.

How to protect yourself: picking your Nose is not only repulsive. It is also a health risk, because risky germs such as Stapyhlococcus aureus on the fingers and to be used more widely. You are not the manual nose inspection and clearing, use a handkerchief. Pay attention to hygiene good hand. Washing hands is second to none, soap, water and disposable towel are sufficient.

Fungi: the secret Killer

Not the least of molds from the premises can be dangerous for humans. You proliferate, not the joints only visible in the tiles and the corners in the shower, but often behind cabinets and pictures, sending their spores into the air. When inhaled, they infect the people. Who suffers in his apartment more often under the burning eyes and running nose, although there is no infection or hay fever, could have mold.

Around 1.5 million deaths per year, there are fungi in the world, as a Scottish study found. The most dangerous representatives of the genus Cryptococcus, Candida, watering can mold, and Pneumocystis. You can sit in the lungs and cause a life-threatening inflammation.

How to protect yourself: make sure your apartment is well ventilated. This means in Winter: Three times a day of airing out the room every five minutes. Are wet rooms, Heizlüften a good Option to distribute the moisture; or (energy-saving) a dehumidifier.