Study shows that vaccines are “remarkably safe”

Researchers from the USA have found that the process of authorisation and Monitoring of vaccines work extremely well: The comprehensive Review of vaccines over a period of 20 years revealed that they are remarkably safe.

The Israeli researchers have looked at how the identification of 57 vaccines changed over the time. They found at 25 vaccines after the approval of 58 security-related Changes. The most common application for certain restricted groups, such as for immunocompromised patients, premature infants or those with allergies. The largest part of the side-effects has been identified by the existing monitoring programmes in accordance with the placing on the market and was of limited clinical significance. The researchers conclude that the vaccines are safe and that the monitoring system works well.

The vaccines had been admitted between January 1996 and December 2015 in the United States. The researchers have spotted for the study, hundreds of thousands of Reports from the System for reporting adverse events from vaccines, the American approval authority, after the vaccines had been administered millions of times. The results of the study in the journal "Annals of Internal Medicine" published.

Vaccines are considered to be one of the greatest achievements of the health system. They limit the spread of once-common diseases such as Mumps, measles, and polio – against the man that was earlier, when there was still no vaccine, similar to the unconscious as it is today against the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the rates have gone in recent years, which has in some cases led to outbreaks of rare diseases.