France had thought his first Corona case, much earlier than

With a dry cough, it started. Four or five days later, his fever rose to over 40 degrees. “At first I thought it was the seasonal flu,” says Amirouche Hammar of the Paris daily newspaper “Le Parisien”. Then he gets pain in the chest, which is becoming stronger. One Evening, he spits blood. “At 5 o’clock in the morning, I decided to get in my car and drive directly to the hospital,” says Amirouche, Hammar TV channel “BFM TV”. He comes to the ICU and receives oxygen. The diagnosis: a severe lung infection. It is the 27. December 2019, to the North-East of Paris. Of Corona cases outside of China has as yet heard no one.


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At the end of April when the phone rings Hammar. At the other end of the line: Professor Yves Cohen, head of the intensive care unit of the hospital group Avicenne-Jean Verdier in Bobigny. There, Hammar had delivers themselves to the hospital. Doctors of the clinics have already tested samples taken from people with severe respiratory infections, and although Sars-CoV-2. “I was told, ‘you are 100% positive on Covid-19 tested’,” says Hammar to “BFM TV”. “It shocked me, because I am a diabetic. I had to think of all the victims that died. But somehow, I was relieved to finally be healed.”

France Corona-Patient zero

The 43-year-old father of a family is now in France Corona-Patient zero. In France, the first Coronavirus have been cases on 24. January is known – it was people that had a reference to China. Given the incubation period Covid is likely to be-19-in the first half of December in France in circulation have been. A spokesman for the world health organization (WHO) called Hammars positive corona virus sample from the end of December as “very interesting, but not surprising”.

Where, however, Hammar could have been infected? The fish seller has no Connections to China and had not traveled before his illness abroad. “Shortly before my illness, my wife for three days, dry cough and had a fever,” said Hammar, according to “Le Parisien”. His wife sold for fish in a large supermarket near the Paris airport “Charles de Gaulle”. Hammar’s wife told BMF TV: “We serve customers who come directly with your Luggage from the airport.” Two of the four children the couple had is also, but are not ill.

Hammar is now considered France’s “Patient zero”, to a deep-frozen sample of a previous Corona-infection in France is demonstrated. What remains to him but is afraid to have someone else unknowingly infected.

Sources: “Le Parisien”, “BFM TV”, REUTERS, “”, “International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents”.

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