Dating A Healthy Eater Will Make You Happier, Study Says

Put down the oysters and champagne and pick up some protein balls – it turns out that healthy eating is the new aphrodisiac.

A survey of 1,000 men and women by found that dating a healthy eater makes for a happier relationship, whether you also eat well or not. Their results showed that 94 percent of non-dieters who dated dieters were stoked with their significant other, while 83 percent of dieters dating other dieters were happy with their coupling.

The saddest of the bunch? Dieters who dated non dieters, with only 74 percent of respondents stating their were satisfied with their lot. Yep, even junk food fiends who dated like minded lovers reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction.

There’s no doubt that having your bae (or even a BFF) commit to the same healthy habits as you can help you hit your goals easier (i.e. without constant temptation to treat yo self). So it makes sense that the people sticking to salads while their significant other chows down on a choccie bar aren’t super chuffed.

On the flip side, riding on the coattails of a date who is watching what they eat can do wonders for your waistline too. Research has found that if a loved one is looking to lose a few kgs, you’re likely to lose weight too, even if you’re not actually trying.

RELATED: Being In A Good Relationship Could Help You Stay In Shape

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