42° = 112: Why the climate crisis has long been a case for the Emergency calling number

Here, where we are, is once a miracle to happen. Exactly here you stood, the massive walls, behind which you can socialism simulated. Almost exactly 30 years ago that the people they conquered, and Hammer handles, the first stones to carve. Not a year later, the intra-German border history. Hardly any one had thought it possible. And yet, here we are, in the former restricted zone, we will be more demonstration trains per day travelling coming from the Big star, from the Potsdamer Platz and the Linden is going up, and the, the pull from the East, just stroll through the Brandenburg gate. A miracle just.

The Friday demonstration in Berlin is the largest of this 20. September, followed by Hamburg and Munich – but in the course of the 18th century. March is not only a place of hundreds in Germany, where the actions against the climate crisis determine the day. Only by Thousands throughout the world. But this rally, which is the closest to the decision-making centres of the German policy: The Reichstag, the newly opened Museum “Futurium is only 200 metres away,” where the Federal government is in a few hours, climate Package is present, just a half a Kilometer.

The climate crisis is a case for the emergency number

Eckart von Hirschhausen is there, he makes the statement that he and a growing movement of Alliance partners from the medical to present: 42° = 112. Weird arithmetic, apparently, you should tell us: The climate crisis, has the highest medical urgency, it is a case for the emergency number – in the case of 42 degrees Celsius, the highest recorded temperature in Germany was in this summer.

Sylvia Hartmann is here, still a medical student, soon to be a Doctor, one of the faces of Fridays for the Future, and also very much involved in this, that the rally in front of the Brandenburg gate seamlessly, and one more connects. Directly in front of the distinctive bed house of the Charité located in the middle of various care professions, some patients, scientists have gathered Doctors. The Supreme head of the huge hospital, Heyo Kroemer, is also Peter Bobbert, chief Executive of the chamber of Physicians of Berlin came. Bobbert makes it clear to young activists clearly: “All those who still believe that climate change is to deny or to its consequences will not see and want to do nothing, which we do not say today: The medical community stands behind those who stand alone. We are behind you, you stand on the right Position.”

WHO: Soon to 250,000 climate-related deaths per year

And this is not a one-sided partisanship, no political preference, but rather, it has decided to the world medical Association for a long time, and its President Leonid Eidelmann repeatedly called Doctors all over the world, the policy of the Act to stop. The world health organization fears for the period from 2030 to 2050 250,000 to climate additional deaths per year. It provides the water supply of hundreds of millions of people, due to the extreme heat and the risk of diseases. As the global day of action on 20. September, the medical doctors around the globe are actively in to the theme forward and to create the Climate.

The large star-family is: As magazine-makers Eckart von Hirschhausen in Berlin speech in Munich Joko winter scheidt to the Demonstrators, and in our publishing house, it was a every free, to this 20. To go to September demonstrate. In the star this week we have a versatile focus on the topic of climate change and sustainability set – and otherwise, than some of the biestiger Zeterer claims, no inches wide of journalistic independence given the things to say, as you are: The equation 42° = 112 goes on. Maybe a miracle will happen soon once again, and everyone manages to work the numbers yourself.

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