An improved blood circulation by consumption of blue berries?
Heart diseases are widespread and cause many deaths worldwide. Researchers found that the daily consumption of blueberries may lower the risk for heart disease.
In the current investigation of the University of East Anglia, it was found that the daily consumption of blueberries contributes to a reduced risk of heart disease. The results of the study were published in the English journal “the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”.

Consumption of blueberries lowers the risk of heart disease by 12 to 15 percent
The researchers found out that obese adults, the daily 150 g of blueberries to a increased blood flow and less stiff arteries, had. In the new study, it has been calculated that the daily consumption of blueberries can reduce the risk of heart disease by 12 to 15 percent.
In the study, the effects of the daily consumption of blue berries in 138 adults with Overweight and obesity were examined. All Participants were between the ages of 50 and 75 years and all of them had a so-called metabolic syndrome, the medical term for a combination of Diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.
It is estimated that about a third of the adult population in Western countries suffers from such a syndrome, which increases the risk for heart disease. All Participating berries received daily either 150 g or 75 g of freeze-dried blue or a Placebo and asked to take to.
Metabolic syndrome can lead to serious diseases
The metabolic syndrome increases the risk for coronary heart disease, strokes and other disorders that affect the blood vessels. Diabetes, hypertension, and obesity individually, damage to the blood vessels, but all three together is particularly dangerous, explain the researchers. It is very common conditions, which which explains why so many adults are affected by metabolic syndrome.
No advantage due to lower levels of consumption found
It was found that the consumption of a Cup of improved blue the vascular function and arterial stiffness of berries per day in a sustainable way. This rich, in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 12 to 15 percent, according to the authors of the study. Unexpectedly, it was berries in the risk group of Participants, no advantage due to a lower daily intake of blue – (75 grams; one-half Cup) can be observed. It is possible that in obese at-risk populations compared to the General population, a higher daily intake is necessary in order to improve the health of the heart, say the researchers.
Blueberries protect against type 2 Diabetes and heart disease
Previous studies have already shown that the diseases people regularly eat blueberries, a reduced risk for type 2 Diabetes and heart. This may be due to the fact that blueberries have a high percentage of naturally occurring Compounds called anthocyanins, explain the authors of the study. These Compounds are found in fruits for the red and blue color. Other studies have already shown that they can improve some markers for heart disease. (as)