Researchers: losing weight with negative calorie foods?

Negative-calorie foods containing – Myth or truth?

Foods such as celery that are supposed to burn when consuming more calories than the food itself actually has it. This effect arises from the fact that in digestion a higher amount of calories is consumed, when the contained food has to offer. This is a diet myth or an effective means for losing weight, negative to eat calorie-rich food.

Scientists from the University of Alabama have investigated the myth in a recent study. Their results were published in the English journal BioRxiv.

The misconception of fibrous food

Many dietitians responsible for the theory that fibrous foods such as celery, lettuce, Grapefruit, cucumber, and Broccoli burns more calories during digestion than they actually have.


Although experts recommend using this strategy for losing weight, researchers have elucidated the end of the University of Alabama now on the basis of a scientific animal study that eating celery does not take more calories than the actual food has actually. Negative calorie foods that burn more calories during digestion than they deliver, therefore remain a myth.

Past Publications

In the past, the Academy of Nutrition &amp exposed; Dietics in a publication on the topic of metabolism already the idea of food with a negative calorie intake. Basically, the body is in the digestion of food quite efficiently. In fact, they consume only about 5 to 15 percent of your daily calories to digest meals. Celery to eat does not mean that you are in a calorie deficit.


At the end of the result of the study does not mean that you should not be fibrous foods consume. On the contrary, it is rather advisable to switch the diet and integrate lots of fruits and vegetables. (fm)