Mask is compulsory for the whole of Germany? Jena, shows how it works

Since the days of discussion in Germany when and how the Corona measures in this country can be relaxed. Experts and politicians recommend also a requirement to Wear a mask. The national science Academy, Leopoldina, for example, had argued on Monday for a “realistic” schedule back to normal. Measures the Opening of schools and a mouth guard is compulsory for public passenger transport are.

The city of Jena in Thüringen is what comes to mask duty to the Rest of the Federal Republic of Germany already. There was already at 2. April a gradual obligation to Wear a mouth-nose cover introduced. In the first step of this was, if you take the services “in the claim, or provides, in the case of which the distance of 1.5 meters is not observed”. This applies, for example, Physio – and ergo therapists, speech therapists, or services of opticians and hearing care, it says on the website of the city.

The duty after Easter comes?

Markus Söder of the Mask requirement in Germany

The people in Jena, sew your masks yourself

Since the 6. April is the obligation to Wear a mask in public transport and in super markets. And after the end of the Easter holidays, the Mask requirement applies also in the workplace, “if more than one Person in a room”. An exception applied if it was to ensure that “in a room of 20 square meters per Person are available and the distance of 1,5 meters is ensured”. Also, for public spaces, where this distance is not complied with, could not be applied to the mask duty.

This medical mouth or respiratory protection is not a Must. It is also self-made masks, scarves or shawls could be worn in the city.

But how do you supply the people in a city with more than 100,000 inhabitants with masks? “We have made as a community, no masks available. We had the Problem that we have no stock had,” said Kristian Philler, press spokesman of the city, the star. Therefore, have the city a call for Self-sewing is started. A Video to inform the citizens on the municipal website sewing provided instructions.

The Initiative wants to do more than sew a 10,000 masks for facilities

“We were surprised that most of the people had masks. The had self-made masks, some have used shawls and scarves. Many also had disposable masks,” says Philler. Many have taken the Initiative and with the Produce of self-stitched mouth, nose and Protections begun, such as orthopedics or occupational clothing stores. Fabric shops had been opened with a special available. Also they had masks on offer, so Philler. “Three Syrian Schneider have more than sewn 200 masks for the city and to the population in Jena is distributed.”

One of these initiatives is the “nose and mouth mask 100 % Jena, Germany” the Initiative city centre of Jena, for example. Due to the closed shops and the Lack of mouth-nose protection masks, one would have the impulse had, even to sew, says Hannes Wolf of the working group to the star. You have, however, already started before the mask is mandatory. With the new rules, more work was to come.

The masks, the manufacture seamsters from local shops, would be given away to organizations, medical practices, kindergartens, schools, physical therapy, volunteers and care facilities that have no public access to appropriate protective equipment.

So far, you have brought about 5000 to 6000 masks in circulation. The goal 10.800 – all donations. “This is, of course, arrived super, because we give away is the yeah,” says Wolf. To private persons, but would given no masks. It is “to provide for closer indoor work and to help facilities, the masks urgently need”. But he saw that in Jena, all of the stick and a Mouth guard would wear.

Debate on the protection measure

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Also, the city has masks worried

The University hospital of the city is set up according to the information of press Secretary Philler very well. This and also Doctors would be supplied through the Association of sickness Fund doctors with protective gear and masks.

However, the city has you covered. Had been ordered for facilities such as Physio – or occupational therapy practices, and nursing homes, about 10,000 of disposable masks, this includes 1500 multiple-use masks and 1,500 FFP2 masks. In addition, approximately 1000 self-tailored coats, but these were not arrived yet, so Philler. The facilities would be supplied by the city, if they themselves could find no protective masks. To do this, you would have to to the health office to contact.

The fire Department in Jena have taken care of the procurement and batches purchased. There had also been offers, such as the said coat from the Tailor. “We were surprised at how many offers, how many corners were,” said Philler. The day after the announcement of the mask duty of the cables have annealed””.


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Mask duty: “Not a single fine has been pronounced”

Some of the masks had also been to clubs supplied, such as the diakonia, as Philler. According to his information, have been delivered in this framework, about 5000 masks. People who could not sew, could get in this way to Not a mask.

According to Philler about 90 percent of the people would wear in Jena, a self-made Mouth guard. The other ten per cent would manage with scarves or towels.

Overall, the measure, the city Council will be well received. “Not a single fine has been pronounced,” said Kristian Philler. Super markets would implement the new provision. Gray areas there are, for example, of kiosks, or even in transport. But exhortations would be enough. “We are very satisfied. We can hardly believe our luck, how this all works. We are of the opinion that this should be in the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany,” says the city’s spokesman.

In social networks have expressed, however, quite a few critical. Three summary proceedings against the mask duty of the city have given it to, two had been rejected, the third was in testing. But “be of good cheer”, because the requirement by the recommendation of Leopoldina, the German scientists had now become the consensus.

Sources: city of Jena, the Initiative of downtown Jena, Germany, news Agency DPA

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