Because of the note on the mask of duty: bus driver in Oldenburg, beaten

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 14 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 202.442 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers.

Because of the note on the mask of duty: bus driver in Oldenburg, beaten

Unknown men attacked in Oldenburg, a bus driver, and injured, after the latter had pointed out on the compliance with the mask of duty. The attack occurred on Thursday evening 23 o’clock, as the "NDR" reported. "The bus driver is of the two men first offended worden", the station quoted police spokesman Stephan Klatte. And more: "Then he locked the door of the bus from the inside, in order to hand over to the police."

The men will then hit the bus driver and the door violently opened. The Bus had stopped at the time of the attack, five other passengers, said in the report. The bus driver may have suffered due to the incident with a concussion, was since then unable to work. Against the suspects, the police are now investigating for assault and insult. Currently they are not, however, been taken yet, according to "NDR" values are the police currently have the footage of the CCTV cameras.

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