Wood nails – a somewhat unusual term, not just pretty toe nails suspect. It is, in fact, toenails that are thickened, and the sight of wood remind. This unpleasant nail disease can have different causes. As you realize wood nails, as this disease is medically treated, and what you can do yourself, you will learn in the following lines.
Table of contents
Fast – detected; treated quickly
The faster wood nails are recognized as such, the quicker it can be treated. How about a wooden nail? This is a nail, the nail plate is thicker and more brittle, not more in length, but the height grows, yellowish edges and gets easily fragmented. Thus, a modified nail not only looks ugly. May be pain to do this every now and again, especially when Wearing shoes. The nails of the big and the little toes are affected especially since they are concentrated in shoes the most.
Who discovered a wooden nail or suspected, should be the best medical advice. Yourself around to not recommend fiddling with such a nail disease. Especially, because the most common causes is a fungal infection that must be treated properly. Other reasons for wood nails are:
- Rheumatism,
- Diabetes,
- Circulatory disorders,
- higher age,
- Injury to the nail,
- constant Wearing of tight shoes
- and skin diseases (for example psoriasis (Psoriasis).
Fungal infection
Whether as a cause of thickened toenails have a fungal infection in question, decides in the medical examination on the basis of a special mushroom tests. This is positive, it can be determined by means of a fungal culture in the laboratory, the exact causative agent. This facilitates and improves the therapy.
Such a fungal infection can lead to Fester and soak of the nail. At least now, the Affected will try to find medical help. Of a fungal infection of the nails or of the foot, especially people who suffer from Diabetes mellitus. But also athletes and a weakened immune system, people belong to the vulnerable groups of people. Initially, the fungus makes itself barely noticeable and is overlooked so easily, wherein the early detection would be important. The fungus can attack the whole nail and destroy him. These are the first signs you should be aware of:
- Loss of the nail gloss,
- yellowish or brownish discoloration,
- Fragility,
- Thickening,
- Cracks in the nail,
- spots and stripes and white,
- the nail lifts from the nail bed
- or individual nail layers crumble.
All of the above symptoms may indicate a nail fungus in conjunction with a wooden nail. But also chemicals, or the Existence of a psoriasis often evokes such nail changes. Therefore, it should necessarily be medical help so that the correct diagnosis is made.
A fungus is the cause of the thickened nail is treated with anti-fungal ointments, lacquers or creams. This treatment is usually quite lengthy – here, patience is called for here. The wooden nail is not from today to tomorrow.
The Emergence of wood nails can be prevented. Constantly Wearing shoes that are too tight or a high heel, is concentrated to the toes. The nails are affected. Therefore, comfortable footwear is recommended, in which the toes have enough space. Who likes to wear high shoes, it should at least load again and again breaks, in which flat, comfortable shoes be worn.
You should always pay attention to dry feet. You should therefore change the shoes every day, and powder the feet with a suitable powder. Special Sprays for the shoes have a germicidal effect. Daily socks duty switch. To run regularly barefoot is not doing the feet, however, if a fungal infection is present, because the risk of Infection.
Foot baths maintain the feet. On the right pedicure. The nails are cut straight or, what is still more gentle, and filed. The nail plate is thickened, it is filed very carefully thin. After the feet and nails about cream offers.
Treat for feet and nails
The feet carry us all day, and are mostly locked up in shoes. Regular Care protects from nail thickening and power on the other hand, early detection of a nail change is possible. Set a regular appointment for your foot care. They will thank you for it.
You start with a foot bath that makes the skin and the cornea something soft. A tablespoon of honey or a bit of cream or milk to the water added to maintain the skin. A few drops of tea tree oil or a tablespoon full of vinegar anti-inflammatory. You can bathe your feet for about 15 to 20 minutes. After the end of the pedicure, as described under prevention, it.
In the Presence of a fungal infection as the cause for wood nails is carried out, as already mentioned, an antifungal treatment. A violation of the nail plate or the nail bed, for example, due to incorrectly applied pedicure is the cause, so you must recover the affected nail. Typically, this grows out completely and a new, healthy nail to follow him. This will take approximately 12 months. During this time, it is essential to pay attention to comfortable shoes, in order to give the affected nail.
An internal disease, such as, for example rheumatism or Diabetes mellitus, is the reason for the Emergence of the wood-nails so first check, whether the data are set in their medication correctly. Also, the diet must be considered. Thus, a rheumatoid patient should eat necessarily mainly basic and largely based on Animal abandon. For diabetics, a basic diet is, of course, useful, but here the focus is on the supply of suitable carbohydrates in the appropriate amount.
A professional foot care for both diseases is important. Often, older patients are affected by wooden nails. The blood flow in the age is worse, the care of the feet is for many, because this will sometimes always be difficult. Therefore, regular medical foot care is desirable.
Wood nails heal, unfortunately, is not always complete. Here is the cause plays a large role. Any medication to be prescribed that inhibit the growth of the nail cells. The thickening of the nail is already far advanced, may be tried with special ointments, and the nail to soften the substance to the nail easier to remove.
Home remedies
A fungal infection is present, this can be with tea-tree oil treated. A few drops are mixed with high quality tea tree essential oil with a teaspoon of cold-pressed olive oil twice daily to the affected areas is applied. A high quality, pure Aloe Vera Gel is also worth a try. Garlic juice is another home remedy that is a yeast infection helpful. Press several cloves of garlic, and catch the juice. This is applied undiluted – best over night. Another possibility is the DAB of grapefruit seed extract, also pure. If all this helps nothing, it must necessarily be followed by a therapy with an anti-fungal, and, as mentioned above,.
During Anti-fungal therapy, whether naturally, by the medical establishment, or both, is a visit to a public Sauna and swimming pool. The diet should contain no white bread and no sugar.
Important: A fungal infection is contagious. So No walking barefoot at home, and no shared towels. The socks are not washed together with those of the other members of the family.
Tips from the Naturopathy
Is a fungal infection, helping the ingestion of nasturtium tincture, Latin Tropaeolum majus . In addition, bathing will help in oak rindensud.
Furthermore, the application of the Cream to the affected area with calendula ointment (calendula ointment) or calendula oil (Calendula) promotes healing.
Homeopathic Remedies
Also homeopathy provides funds that can be used for the treatment of the wood nail. According to the complaint, the following preparations are:
- Antimonium crudum brittle, thickened toenails,
- Conium, if the nails are yellow
- and Silicea, and Thuja in the case of a fungal infection.
For More Options
In wood, the nail nails to get the plate back a little thinner, it is recommended that the intake of Schuessler salt No. 1 Calcium fluoratum D12. At the same time is applied twice daily to the right Schüßler-salt cream No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, in the morning, quite thin, and in the evening as a thick envelope. In order to improve the moisture balance of the nail, the no 8, by Schüßler salts, sodium chloratum is recommend D6, equally internally and externally. Best of all are the two creams – will be; No. 1 and No. 8 are mixed with each other.
Wood nails are not only ugly, but also need to be treated. A visit to the doctor is, therefore, essential. Whether it is education medical or naturopathic therapy, or both at the same time – it is important that the treatment is carefully carried out according to the instructions. Especially in the Presence of a fungal infection, a consistent implementation of the therapy is the A and o. (sw)