Most people spend their working hours in a Büro. There are many factors that affect the health. Reason enough to make the job optimally
The Großpart of the day you are sitting at your Desk? With our tips köyou can also there something für do your health!
Für almost every second Erwerbstätransparent heißt work: sitting at a Desk. Around 18 million on – screen and Büroarbeitsplätze in Germany. Who is a tätig, especially on the Rücover and the eyes. The most important tips für healthy Working at your Desk:
Dynamic seats and in between times are
- "Sitting is not the same as sitzen", Professor Peter Deibert, ä says;medical Director of the Institute für motion and occupational medicine at the University hospital Freiburg. Better than a rigid set of so-called dynamic ­ was;Sit. This äyou changed möas is often the Position – and, the best on a ergonomic Arbeitschair, the turn lässt and Sitzfläche and Rücover backrest with each other to move.
- 30 per cent of the working time should be standing spend. Ideally, a table whose Hö is;Hey variable lä set;sst.
- Who is very static, sit, want, or need, should the thighs horizontally and the Füße is loose on the floor. Armrests, the shoulders can help, in spite of Computertäto relax tightness. Physicians Deibert: "The Hände should be on the keyboard that you möas possible a line with the forearm and in no direction auffällig are bent."
Sufficient brightness and good Lichtverhätenancies
- In glorious summer sunshine , it is draußup to 100 000 Lux light. No künstliches light can keep up with that. Für screen and Büroarbeitsplätze occupational health physicians recommend a Beleuchtungsstästrength of 500 Lux. "This is considered to be the Minimum at which normal-sighted without problems kö read;nnen", Professor Stephan Letzel, Director of the Institute fü says;r work-, Social – and environmental medicine at the Universitätsmedizin Mainz. Optimal brightness is especially important, because the eye at low Lichtstästrength with age, increasingly ermüdet.
- At the same time should screen workers to make sure that it is not strong to be blinded. "Screen and shoulder should be to the side sein" to the window aligned;, Letzel says. So the light of day seems to be not directly from the front of the Monitor, yet it forms a strong contrast.
Plants in the Büro have a beneficial effect on the Psyche
- Plants make the air in the Büro oxygen-rich and increase the Humidity? Both are true in theory, but in practice the effects are to vernachläone-story. "Plants affect the air only minimal", labour says – and Environmental medicine Letzel.
- Nevertheless, a grü can;ner Thumb in Job pay. "The beneficial Effect of plant focuses on the Psyche", erklärt Letzel. They were in front of all a Wohlfühlelement. For example, the American architecture Professor Roger Ulrich found that patients after an operation to Grüne looked, more rare complications suffered, and less pain means benöadjusted.
- But caution: Allergy-free köcan certain Grünpflanzen – for example, the popular Ficus – Difficulties get. Außerdem thrive in the damp potting soil fungi particularly well and release their spores in the air in the room. Grünpflanzen should be maintained, therefore, always attentive.
Make sure you have enough exercise
- "You should each Möemergency use, the attitude to change , or to bewegen", rät Professor Volker Harth, Director of the Zentralinstituts für occupational medicine and Maritime medicine, Hamburg University hospital Eppendorf. Take the stairs instead of the Elevator. Mrs persöphotography visit instead of your to write an E-Mail.
- Also Maßtook to Gesundheitsföpromotion finds Harth useful. Advanced Company wüauthorities to their employees so little now to offer, for example, Rücover education classes in the lunch break or Entspannungsüpromptings before the celebration evening.
- Unsure of what you yourself in the Job to do köcan? A mönecessary contact person of the operating doctor. He klärt üabout individual health risks in the workplace.
In the case of redesigns of the workplace to join in the conversation
- Home office? Two or Großraumbüro? Companies are going at the moment, the wide variety of ways. "The world of work is in the Umbruch", Harth says. What effect of a negative impact on the health of the employees and what is positive, not yet been sufficiently researched.
- Each Verächange, recommends Harth, employees should try to help shape their workplace: "Accompany innovations möas possible, without bias, and with Feedback." A break is perceived as Stress, should also be openly dümay. Harth: "Disgruntled employees and a high level of sickness absence benefits no one."
- Example Großraumbüro: Trennwänd create something Privatsphäre. In abgeareas, so-called " separated;Quiet Zones", you can ungestört a call or specially concentrated work.
Peace in the workplace claim
- Lärm is one of the größten sources für conflicts in the Büro. According to a study by the market research Institute Ipsos, the average Bü loses;roarbeiter per day for up to 86 minutes of productive working time due to Lärmunterbrechungen.
- As stöwhile he is perceived, hädepends on the Persöpersonality of the Beschäemployees and the Tätransparency. Before especially in tasks with high demands on Gedämemory and attention, köcan Geränoises interfere with the work.
- The effort, störende Geränoises hide, can premature Ermüextension, Konzentrationsschwäche and headaches führen. The health burden setzt in General, even still, because of the slower pace of work, Stress and time pressure are on the rise.
- Büros should, therefore, so geräuscharm as möpossible designed to be. Quiet Geräte, Trennwände in Großraumbüros, as well as sound-absorbing Wände and carpets köcan the employer according to the experts, a großen contribution.
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