Spahn stops cancer in 10 years for curable cancer society puts the brakes on him

People are still dying too often, when you receive the diagnosis of cancer. The Federal government wants to declare war on the insidious disease, the fight and money in the cancer research invest. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn, even talks of cancer in ten to 20 years of defeat.

The fight against cancer: Germany wants to advance the cancer research and prevention strengths. "We want to understand cancer better, we want to prevent cancer, and we want to heilen&quot cancer;, Federal Minister of research, Anja Karliczek (CDU) said in Berlin at the Start of the "National decade against Krebs". Patients should be able to benefit faster from new research results. Yet it often takes several years to bring promising therapies to arrive at the Affected.

Nearly 500,000 people in Germany are diagnosed every year of cancer, and about 220,000 die from it. Cancer is after cardiovascular disease the second most common cause of death. Experts expect that new cases will continue to rise until 2030, mainly due to the ageing population to 600,000 in the year.

Karliczek: "We want to this fate, the end bieten"

"We want to this fate, the end bieten", Karliczek said. For researchers, Doctors, patients, and family members should be closely connected.

Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), described the ambitious target with the words: "Other fly to the moon, we want to defeat the cancer." Although the chances of Survival from cancer have increased. It is but to join forces even more. "Cancer today is not a death sentence anymore, but it is still to oft", the Minister said.

“Other fly to the moon, we want to defeat the cancer.”

Spahn stops cancer in the foreseeable future for vanquished. “There is a good chance that we have defeated in ten to 20 years, the cancer,” said Spahn, compared to the “Rheinische Post”. The medical progress is immense, the research is promising. “And we know considerably more. There is progress in cancer detection, prevention.“

After all, one-fifth of the cancers were related to Smoking. Another cause of a bad dining are and living habits, could you get through education is stronger in the handle.

Cancer society brakes Spahns optimism

The German cancer society Spahns optimism only to a limited extent. Johannes Bruns, Secretary-General of the German cancer society, said on demand from FOCUS Online: "In fact, the medical progress is rapid and the research is promising. However, the new findings also lead to the differentiation of the various types of cancer will always be a small piece."

It was a great challenge for the health system, so Bruns. Whether the cancer is really in the foreseeable future, be cured, be especially it also depends on how fast innovative therapies come in the standard care, so that all of the patients benefited. And that depends, among other things, to the Federal government. The Spahn well-formulated objective is definitely "sportlich", a spokeswoman for the cancer society.

Research funding for prevention and diagnosis of cancer

In a first step, the Federal Ministry of research funds in the coming years, practice-changing clinical trials for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of cancer with up to 62 million Euro. It is important to compare therapies, to enforce the most effective treatment. In addition, in the course of the decade, up to eight other national tumour centres should be established in order to strengthen the cooperation of research and Doctors.

Even greater emphasis will be on prevention and early detection. Experts from the German cancer research center (Deutsches krebsforschungszentrum, dkfz) have calculated that, in Germany at least 37 per cent of all cancers are new cases on account of avoidable risk factors such as Smoking or Obesity. Be considered in addition screening against bowel cancer, half of all cancer would be even cases preventable.

Early recognition of tumors can often be cured

"An early-detected tumour can very often werden&quot healed;, Michael Baumann, Chairman of the Board of the German cancer research centre said. The aim of prevention was to reduce in the medium term, the number of new Cancer cases. This was already by a healthy lifestyle and vaccination against Human papilloma virus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer.

Vaccinations also develop against other cancer-causing viruses and bacteria, is a target of further research. An approach is also possible medicines against chronic inflammation, which are also strongly associated with a later risk of cancer. The "National decade against Krebs" Baumann was the "strong Signal".