Cardiovascular diseases in both women and in men the most common cause of death. While heart attacks and strokes could be due to persistently low values for blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol can be largely avoided, as is the case now, the University hospital in Leipzig announced.
"Hochsignifikante" Effect
This confirmed the study by Brian Ference, of the University of Cambridge, to the Director of the clinic for cardiology of the hospital, Ulrich Laufs, was involved. It shows, therefore, that even with only a small permanent reduction in systolic blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol the risk of disease heart and vessels “highly significant” back.
Data from 400,000 people evaluated
Were analyzed the data of more than 400,000 British, which are collected in a Biobank. The participants were an average of 65,2 years old and 54 percent are women. FOCUS Online heart attack risk in half: Two times at noon, sleep in of the week
*The contribution of “blood pressure and cholesterol: Low values reduce infarction-risk – under one condition” comes from Wizelife. Contact with the executives here.