Note: Great Pasta recall because of not excellent of all the genes

This Pasta dish should not be used by Allergy sufferers consumed

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety, as well as the manufacturer Giovanni RANA Deutschland GmbH does not warn currently in front of a Pasta dish, the more marked contains substantially all genes. For people with a food Allergy, this constitutes a health hazard. For reasons of preventive consumer protection, the affected Tortelloni is called back-court.

It is the product of “Tortelloni Pesto di Basilico e Pinoli, Basil and Pinenuts Pesto” with the date of minimum durability 12. April 2019 and the lot number L104713. As the manufacturer Giovanni RANA Deutschland GmbH informs, some of the products in this Batch, not a German marking. The contained all the genes are, therefore, not clear.

Incorrect award of the ingredients

According to the manufacturer prints in the languages English, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish and Arabic are not on the affected Pasta only – but in English. Anyone who has mastered any of these languages, thus, can not understand the ingredients. This can be in particular for Allergy sufferers to be a health hazard.

In the product, several allergens are included

“The product contains whey, milk, cheese, wheat, Cashew, lactose, barley and eggs,” says the manufacturer in a customer information on the company’s website. In addition, the Pasta was produced in a factory where crustacean, fish, nuts, celery, and molluscs are processed. Thus, it would not be ruled out that traces of these allergens are contained.

Where can I return the product?

The Giovanni RANA Deutschland GmbH according to information from the affected products from sale. Customers who bought the Tortelloni dish already, you can also without presentation of the receipts in your point of sale back and get the purchase price refunded.

Where was sold in the Pasta

What are the super markets, the affected Pasta was offered, is not mentioned by the manufacturer. Products from the Giovanni RANA Deutschland GmbH are offered at REWE, Lidl, EDEKA, Marktkauf and Real. As the Federal office for consumer informs protection and food safety, was sold to the Pasta in the Federal States of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. (vb)

(Image 1: Gina Sanders/