The expansion of the treatment options with the new Cannabis law could be for many patients a real progress, said a spokesman for the Shi head Association of the German press Agency. “However, missing for the duration – and as a rule, faulty performance claim in the statutory health insurance proof of effectiveness”.
Therefore, it is right that the government have given to the Federal opium Agency, a new study in order to explore the effects of Cannabis. On the Basis of going to show in a few years, “whether the Cannabis therapy permanently covered by the statutory health insurance”, the Association said.
Cannabis can help against pain and Multiple sclerosis
With a new law, the for 10. March it is hard to get sick on a prescription of Cannabis at the pharmacy. Patients do not need any exception permit, the appropriate rules from running. While Diseased previously had to pay for Cannabis in the rule itself, are health insurance companies obligated to assume the cost of therapy. The act provides for monthly treatment costs from an average of 540 Euro. On the cash cost to come from it.
The active ingredient of Cannabis can help in Multiple sclerosis and chronic pain in cases of rheumatism. The consequences of chemotherapy in cancer patients, it can alleviate, as well he should help against the symptoms of the neurological disorder Tourette syndrome.
Fully the effect of hemp is explored not plant but still. The Federal opium Agency wants to analyze, therefore, to accompany the new law, data on Cannabis therapies within five years. Doctors report to the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) anonymised data on treatment with cannabis medicines, which are then evaluated.
The use of cannabis flowers and are not approved cannabis extracts, only limited information about efficacy and safety were met, so far, had explained to the BfArM in the beginning of March, “Despite numerous publications, the number of evaluable scientific data is currently still low.” Therefore, the companion raising the Federal opium Agency is important.