World cancer day: half of all cancers could be avoided
Every year around half a Million people in Germany are diagnosed with cancer. According to health experts, about half of the diseases could be due to a healthy lifestyle avoided.
Number of cancer cases rises
More and more people are developing cancer. The number of new Diagnoses has doubled in Germany since 1970, almost. According to experts, a large part of all cancer disease as preventable. Because it is through a healthy lifestyle, the risk of cancer can be significantly reduced.
Healthy life style reduces the risk for many civilization diseases
Every year, about 500,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with cancer. The Barmer health insurance company indicates on the occasion of world cancer day on 4. February suggest that about half of these cases could be avoided by a healthy lifestyle.
“A healthy lifestyle lowers the risk for many civilization diseases, especially for cancer,” said Dr. Ursula Marschall, senior Physician of the Barmer in a message.
“Not Smoking, taking regular exercise, not Overweight, low in alcohol and good protection from the UV rays of the sun are the hallmarks of such a life style,” explains the expert.
Each individual could do much to reduce his personal risk of cancer significantly.
Early detection of cancer used to be rare
Current supply data of the Barmer showed that, as before, to rare, early recognition of cancer, were used.
“In 2017, only about 16.8 million women in Germany have opted for the early detection of cancer. In the case of men, there were only 4.6 million. That is, only every second woman and every tenth man, were at the early detection of cancer,“ said Marshal.
This is clearly too little given the fact that an early detected cancer can be treated better. The care data of the health insurance Fund showed significant regional differences in the use of screening tests.
In women, the Saarland (36.4 percent) and Bavaria (38.8 percent) had the lowest examination rates. In the new Federal States, the Rates were consistently significantly high. The leader was Saxony, with 44.4 percent.
For men, the differences between the länder varied more. The lowest Rates were, however, also here the Saarland (9.3 per cent) and Bayern (9.8 percent). Most often, the cancer screening of the men in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (13.5 percent) would be used.
The health insurance funds assume the costs for Cancer screening for women over 20 and men over 45 years of age. (ad)