As a cash patient, Bettina Becker visited with pain your doctor, she could not believe what got to listen to it. He could not treat you as he treated since the beginning of the year, only private patients. Can Doctors refuse the treatment of NHS patients? And what are the reasons?
These are the questions that the 59-year-old Bettina Becker. “I placed my card on the counter and told me to go and he will treat me anyway and I have to help,” said Becker to the “Neue westfälische”. This was only on its own account is possible, she said. “What could I do different. I had the pain of Madness.“
After the treatment, Becker was immediately on the search for a new family doctor who could treat you as a cash patient in the future. You would find it. Your new doctor “know the problem” with the cash patient. It would not be unusual.
Checkout seat – Yes or no: Each physician can decide for yourself
However, Doctors may decide not to treat NHS patients? According to the physicians ‘ Association of Lippe (KVWL), which is responsible for the medical care and the possibilities of Establishment: Westphalia-Yes. Doctors with a private practice are free to decide whether you want to apply for a cash seat or not. A cash seat is entitled to the settlement with the statutory health insurance funds.
The woman of the house physician, Bettina Becker explained the situation to her husband: With his 64 years, the doctor wanted to be somewhat shorter, and his practice only to 12 o’clock open. Here are the rules of the kassenärztliche Vereinigung had him come in the way.
Because according to this, physicians were obliged to stand in the afternoon for medical care. It was an inflexible System. “There was no contrary to come,” said the wife of the doctor. “And so we had to give the cashier seat."
Fixed gezurrte consultation times and bureaucracy and chaos were often the reasons why Doctors System get out of the KV, said Volker Heiliger, speaker of the chamber of Physicians Westfalen-Lippe.