Health complaints by Lectins
According to experts, certain foods such as green beans must not be consumed raw because they contain harmful ingredients such as Lectins. These proteins may upset the quantity to slight gastric or intestinal inflammation. In the past few years, more and more counselors (books, TV, have dealt-shows and health websites) with the topic of Lectins. Need to take the nutrition-conscious consumers but really in front of certain food groups in Eight?
Damage in the intestinal wall
As the consumer service Bavaria declared in a message, are Lectins in food science have long known substances in plant-based food, beverages and tobacco in your body.
It is protein body (protein) with a carbohydrate moiety. This can cause clumping (Agglutination) of red blood cells.
That is why they are often referred to as Agglutinins or Haemagglutinins and can lead, depending on the quantity and lectin specific to damage in the intestinal wall.
According to the consumer services, and more diseases have been confirmed scientifically reputable.
Different reactions to heat
Lectin contain raspberries, primarily soy beans, legumes, and wheat germ, as well as in small quantities, including tomatoes, nuts, and bananas.
In low quantities, you are stuck in full-grain, onions and potatoes.
Lectins react differently to the effects of heat. Therefore, the Heating of the sleeve carries the fruit to a strong reduction of the lectin content. Different wheat lectins heat, however, are stable.
No reason to panic
Professor Dr. Bernhard Watzl, head of the Institute for physiology and biochemistry of nutrition Max Rubner-Institute, draws the following conclusion:
“The reason that man, in spite of regular physiological lectin consumption has no resulting damage to the intestinal tract, is probably:
- Of the small quantities of ingested Lectins.
- A protective layer of Glycoconjugates (carbohydrate-protein compounds) on the intestinal epithelium.
- In the large bowel area to the Lectins from the food. As a result, the toxicity of the Lectins is reduced in the intestinal tract.“
Professor Watzl also points out that “for some of the Lectins in the meantime, health-promoting effects are discussed.”
Thus, Lectins could inhibit, for example, the development of colon cancer, such as according to the scientists due to cellular studies have demonstrated.
The consumer service, so there is no reason to panic, and to avoid Lectins.
In the case of a well-balanced diet, no one had to dispense with legumes, tomatoes, and whole grain or even for no reason a multi-week abstinence adhere to. (ad)