Trump may designate, lion and Rhino

It is hott, as is so often the case with statements of Trump: today, KB and tomorrow. It was said in the run-up to the health check of the US presidents, a study of his mental faculties belong to the program, claimed to be the doctor on Tuesday: “The President is mentally very clear.”

Trump himself had apparently insisted that his personal physician, Ronny Jackson examined his spirit. So he wanted to keep the critics, the doubts as to his mental Fitness, something.

However, this approach poses a Problem: Because who announces nothing, not even in the suspicion to conceal something. The questions are: Would have been announced the results, even if Trump had a bad cut? And the pressure, the Trump in advance of the examination established that she had quote: “It should also run well, otherwise the stock market will not be happy” – his doctor may be affected?

Oranges and bananas are fruits

But now to the Test itself, of Jackson, after all, the testimony elicited: “I have no concerns regarding his mental abilities.” The emergency physician and rear Admiral, who also provided support Obama medically, and this was very much appreciated, was tested according to the Protocol, first of all, cranial nerves, reflexes, balance, power and sensitivity. For the assessment of the cognitive skills he had used the so-called Moca Test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment). The consists of eight sub-areas, in which short-term memory, temporal orientation, abstraction, and attention.

Specifically, Trump had to designate roughly drawn animals such as a lion, a Rhino and a camel, five memorize words for five minutes, the Similarity between Orange and banana, find, and date, day of week and location. Also, he should draw a clock, it is ten minutes after eleven. The Test takes a total of about ten minutes.

Montreal Cognitive Assessment

Mental performance not determined

Of the 30 points to get in this Test, Trump reaches 30. It couldn’t be better. But the result actually demonstrates that he is mentally healthy? Is excluded dementia, which was attributed to the US President repeated now?

The Cochrane Collaboration, an Association of scientists, the systematic reviews to be reliable and meaningful studies created on the Basis of seven different studies come to the conclusion: The Moca-Test detects dementia probably good, if the Affected reach is less than 26 points. So this neuro seems logical-psychiatric illness is rather unlikely.

But everything else? The canadian psychiatrist Kenneth Shulman writes in an essay: “The standardized cognitive screening tests are only a part of the investigation of the whole cognitive and mental Status. They are to be equated with neither a diagnosis nor with the detection of mental efficiency.”

Video: Donald Trump is health check

A concerned psychiatrist to break with professional ethics

General and in-depth evaluation of the mental health of U.S. President is not on the basis of the investigations carried out is therefore possible. The room for speculation, the Trump is so fond of wanted to constrict, thus remains almost unaffected.

Although the diagnoses on the state of mind are far under psychiatrists actually frowned upon. An ethical obligation not to Express themselves without their consent and about people of public life. In terms of Donald Trump, but already some experts have broken with these principles, worried about what he can do as President.

“If we know as a psychiatrist, of the special danger posed by Trump, and about not talking, not the history will judge well of us,” said the American psychologist John Gartner. He is one of 27 part of highly renowned professionals, the drawing in of the Band “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” a picture of trump’s personality and to come to a very worrying diagnosis from a distance.

Narcissistic? Dissozial? Paranoid?

Many of them see signs of a narcissistic personality disorder. With this come a exaggerated shown self-consciousness and a lack of empathy. Narcissists are arrogant, vain and always want to be admired. The feelings of others are to them no matter. If it serves their goals, lie and manipulate you. Beneath the facade is a self-confidence of the narcissist, however, is low, you can’t handle criticism and are often envious of others.

Also, an antisocial (or anti-social) personality disorder want to have identified some psychiatrists at Trump. This is reflected in the constant Breaking of the rules: lie, cheat, steal, violence, apply it to the Affected in order to reach your goals. Here, too, there is a lack of empathy, the feelings of others are detected and interpreted in order to use them for their own advantage. They have harmed someone show Concerned no remorse. People with dissozialer personality disorder are impulsive, irresponsible, easily irritated and quickly frustrated.

Some experts suspect a malignant narcissism – basically a combination of narcissistic and dissozialer disorder. An expert looks Trumps lack of trust towards others on the verge of Paranoia, others believe, even to a delusional disorder.

Is Trump?

Beyond the assumptions about his mental health, the hard Numbers out of the health report. However, a contradiction is striking here, too: according to The study, Donald Trump with 190,5 cm and 108,4 kg of a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 29.9. So he stands quite close to the border with the obesity starting at a BMI of 30.

In his licence of 2012 is documented that Trump is 188 centimeters tall. Which is not to say. With this size, however, the US President would have a BMI of 30.6, and would be obese.