Provides energy and keeps long sick and tired of: So looks like the ideal Breakfast

In the ideal case, the Breakfast provides energy for the whole day. However, many resort to food to keep us just short fit and satiated. A Low-Carb expert explains which ingredients were the perfect Breakfast consists of – and why resort to you in the morning time fish.

Rolls, Croissants, jam, cereals and orange juice are among the classics of our Breakfast. Or on-the-go a quick To-go coffee, sandwiches, sweet pastries. But Quickly you will have re-tired, the carbohydrate trap! Better in a different way: With a Breakfast à la Low-Carb, you start full of energy in the day, feel fit and able to work and stay for long enough.

The perfect Low Carb Breakfast

You sit at Breakfast instead of bread rather on vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk and milk products, nuts, and possibly meat and fish. With a Low-Carb Breakfast, you get high-quality protein, good fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and more – and it puts a strain on blood sugar and insulin levels. The most Important thing: It fills you up and gives you a whole new Breakfast treat!

Starch vegetable low in sugar and low in fruit

You can belong to any Low-Carb meal, so for Breakfast. Even if for you it is unusual, to nibble on in the morning to eat vegetables or raw food: Try it! If you like it in the morning, prefer a little sweeter, low-sugar fruits: berries, Apples, oranges, Papaya and apricots are gentle on the blood sugar levels excessively.

Less suitable: bananas, grapes, pineapple or dried fruit. Fruit juices should you prefer to avoid, or only in a very diluted Form, drink. Particularly suitable is a combination of fruits with milk or milk products.


Eggs are ideal for Low-Carb Breakfast, varies from sweet to spicy. Before the cholesterol in Egg you don’t need to be afraid – you do not have an appreciable influence on the blood cholesterol. Instead, an Egg delivers eight grams of protein, the fat content (seven grams per Egg) has a favourable fatty acid patterns, especially the free-ranging hens. Best offer on

Milk and milk products

You are welcome to come to the full-fat variant on the Breakfast table, if you do not use sugar and foods rich in starch are combined. You can mix your fruit yogurt or Quark are best. This requires no great effort and you know exactly what’s in there. Because industrially produced preparations from milk products, for example fruit with yoghurt, or butter milk drinks, usually contain a lot of sugar and all sorts of other ingredients such as dyes or fillers.

Meat and fish

These two candidates will enrich your Breakfast with an Abundance of nutrients. How about a chicken schnitzel and a good Portion of raw food on the plate or in the Breakfast box? And for the Sunday morning, perhaps salmon and Egg?

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are power-Packed with health-promoting potential. Nuts contain particularly valuable monounsaturated fatty acids as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and plenty of fiber, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. But: A small handful per day should be enough!

Healthy Fats

The fat must not be saved in the case of a Low-Carb diet or a diet according to the LOGI method. Guests are welcome to dine vegetables, fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese with healthy fats enrich, preferably using those which have a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (e.g. olive oil, canola oil ) and Omega-3 fatty acids (for example, Flax, hemp or walnut oil). Better than with bread combine Butter with vegetables or egg dishes.

And where bread, rolls and muesli to stay?

Low-Carb is not No Carb – you do not need to completely abandon the bread. You prefer the whole grain version, after the consumption of the blood sugar to rise more moderately. A slice of bread or a bun, but should be enough.

So-called protein bread for a carbohydrate-conscious Breakfast suitable. The proportion of Flour is replaced by less blood sugar effective ingredients: Nussmehle, bran, ground, or chopped nuts, seeds, protein powder but cottage cheese or Ricotta and eggs.

Cereal is for many people the ideal Breakfast – traditional mixtures, but substantial carbohydrate amounts. Better Low Carb cereals with less carbohydrates and more protein, you can mix well. Best: fresh fruit and a spoonful of Flax, hemp or walnut oil.

Wolfgang Link was to the diet chef, kitchen, master and technical operation of the host form. The starting shot for a Low-Carb diet that is largely carbohydrates, finally gave a training to the so-called LOGI-experts. The 43-Year-old lives with his wife and four children in the vicinity of Nuremberg, and has published several Low-Carb books.