Diet against depression

Table of contents

  • You Can Optimize Your Diet
  • Connection between diet and depression has been scientifically proven
  • The nutrition is neglected in the treatment usually
  • The triggers of depressive disorders
  • Many Studies, As A Result Of
  • Omega-3 fatty acids for depression and other mental disorders
  • Omega-3 fatty acids combined with Vitamin D for depression
  • Saffron – A natural extract for depression
  • Tips against depression

You Can Optimize Your Diet

If the food is in direct connection with the mental Constitution of a people, so this makes it clear that an optimization of the diet automatically a positive effect on the Psyche have an impact.

In this way, the diet has a major influence on the mood of depressed people.

Of course, those who are severely depressed need to be parallel to the change in Diet therapeutically.

Connection between diet and depression has been scientifically proven

A 2011 published a Meta-study of 11 long-term studies to unipolar depression and/or signs of Depression in adults aged 18-97 years, provided a connection between said depression symptoms and nutrition of patients.

The follow-up studies to the studies included periods of two to 13 years.

The researchers found an opposite relationship between the risk of Depression and the consumption of Folates, Omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.

The results showed clearly that the diet and the associated supply of nutrients can affect the risk of developing depression.

The nutrition is neglected in the treatment usually

The Meta-study was able to confirm results of previous studies, in which scientists from the United States, had discovered a similar connection between nutrition and depressive illness.

In particular, a diet based mostly on processed foods, increase the risk of developing depression. This food is lacking in many vital and brain-relevant nutrients.

And it is precisely this lack could be according to many scientific studies, the main reason for depression. (To learn more, see this Text: depression foods)

Nevertheless, the conventional therapy is based in the treatment of depression, inexplicably, still exclusively on the use of drugs, demonstrate to part of the formidable side effects.

The importance of a healthy diet in terms of the disease is not even mentioned once.

The triggers of depressive disorders

Depression can be triggered by various factors. They range from crises and losses in work or private life, a bad Childhood, to a genetic predisposition.

As different as the causes may be, the effects on the brain are comparable. In the case of a deficiency of chemical messengers is always substances – the so-called neurotransmitters – to determine.

These messengers are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. The best-known representatives of the Serotonin and dopamine, which are both also called hormones of happiness. Especially the lack of serotonin can lead to depressive disorders.

It is long known how important the role of nutrients such as essential fatty acids, Magnesium and the vitamins B6, B9 and Vitamin B12 in the production of neurotransmitters play.

A lack in the supply of the body with these nutrients contributes to a mental imbalance, which promote the development of a Depression and an already existing depressive mood may increase.

Many Studies, As A Result Of

More and more studies confirm, in the meantime, the Belief of many researchers, naturopathic Doctors and healing practitioners that diet and depression are inextricably linked.

A in the American Journal of Psychiatry published a study compared a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and fish with a diet, especially processed meat products, processed cereal and Fast Food included.

The researchers found that the risk of developing Depression, the study participants ate a balanced diet with fresh food, significantly lower than in the other group of participants.

Another study in the British Journal of Nutrition was published, also took the risk of Depression to form, after five years, healthy diet significantly decreases.

Further investigations (such as that of Sánchez-Villegas et al. or, as described below) showed the importance of the right fats for depression-prone people can be.

Omega-3 fatty acids for depression and other mental disorders

People, namely, the predominantly low-quality fats consume – so you know, in the meantime – have a higher susceptibility to depression than those persons who take sufficient healthy, high-quality fats.

To recommend to the values of fats to count especially those that are rich in long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids. They are found in krill oil, oily fish (salmon and tuna) and the DHA-algal oil, precursors thereof but also in Flaxseed, flax oil, hemp seeds, hemp oil, walnuts, walnut oil or Chia seeds.

Long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important for the development and function of nerve cells in the brain, Yes, they are one of the most important components of the brain tissue.

A deficiency of these fatty acids is therefore associated with a range of mental health problems. Schizophrenia and several other disorders.

Professor Paul Amminger from the Australian University of Melbourne confirmed in his study in August 2015, the preventive effect of Omega-3 fatty acids in relation to psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.

In his study Amminger gave 40 young people with first symptoms of a mental disorder daily 1.2 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids over a period of three months. It showed that not only the already existing symptoms were weaker, but that even by the short-term dietary supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids compared to the Placebo group, the risk is diminished that the participants developed in the next few years, a pronounced psychosis.

The mental protective and antidepressant effects of the Omega-3 fatty acids can also be with the help of Vitamin D.

Omega-3 fatty acids combined with Vitamin D for depression

Scientists at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute in California have found that the combination of the two long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) with Vitamin D in the pathogenesis of depression and other neuro-psychiatric disorders preventing or – if they already exist – treating.

Apparently, the Omega-3-Vitamin D combination may influence Serotonin metabolism in the brain positively.

The hormone Serotonin is also known as the “hormone of happiness”. Many psychiatric and neurological diseases are associated with a lack of Serotonin in the brain. This also includes schizophrenia and autism in addition to depression.

As a result, these indications are mostly so-called Serotonin be prescribed re-uptake inhibitor to a uniformly elevated Serotonin levels worry about that, what improves the mood of the patients significantly.

The California researchers showed that Vitamin D activates the formation of Serotonin from the amino acid Tryptophan. This is, however, only a sufficient Mass is possible, if you have enough Vitamin D in the body is present.

A large part of the Central European population suffers today, but under a Vitamin D deficiency, so that the rising depression is not a miracle to pay more.

At the same time, the typical modern diet provides little of the above-mentioned Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which increases the risk to suffer from depression, in addition.

Taking EPA and DHA in the Form of krill oil, oily fish or DHA-algal oil (3 TBSP per day), EPA reduced the level of inflammation sbotenstoffe in the brain, which inhibit the serotonin distribution.

At the same time DHA makes the nerve cells more sensitive to Serotonin.

In this way, be formed not only larger amounts of Serotonin levels, but the hormone can exert its effect at the same time is even better.

Dr. Bruce N. Ames, one of the study’s authors, stresses that many people are suffering both from a lack of Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids. This fact the researchers think is one of the mechanisms for the emergence of neuropsychiatric diseases.

How can you ensure a sufficient supply with Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids, you can find here:

  • Vitamin D – What you need to know
  • 7 benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids

Another natural substance that can increase the concentration of Serotonin in the brain, is the saffron.

Saffron – A natural extract for depression

The extract from the Golden threads of saffron has been proven in several studies as a natural antidepressant. The required dose is 30 mg per day. After 6 weeks you should be able to clear show results – without harmful side effects.

Yes, the saffron is even supposed to work – after eight weeks of saffron ingestion – just as well against depression as fluoxetine, one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. Further, the maximum practical effects of saffron you can read here: saffron – For more Fun in life

In addition to the saffron, other medicinal plants act in a strong Mass anti-depressed, and very often at least as good as pharmaceutical antidepressants, without their side effects. The most important medicinal plants against depression, we have presented to you: medicinal plants to fight depression

Tips against depression

  • They use only high quality, cold-pressed and organic Oils.
  • Pay attention to a sufficient intake of Omega 3 fatty acids (see above).
  • Turmeric with the active ingredient Curcumin has anti-depressive properties – the a Chinese study proves that from the year 2008. In addition, there are numerous other studies on the subject of turmeric and depression.
  • Saffron is used in Persia, is traditionally used as a remedy against depression.
  • Lot of Melissa tea, Lavendeltee and rose tea are mood-lifting.
  • The Real St. John’s wort is known for its mood-lifting effect.
  • The licorice root contains numerous ingredients which show an anti-depressive effect. Therefore, the root has been enjoyed as a tea to recommend. However, a maximum of 3 cups a day, and a period of 6 weeks should not be exceeded. The long term use might lead to unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, disorder of water balance, etc. This tea is basically suitable not for Pregnant and Breastfeeding women, as well as for people, the kidneys, liver or heart disease.


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