Complicated and confusing: consumers penalties state model for the nutritional value from the characteristic drawing

The majority of Germans is in favour of the labelling of food with the Nutri-Score-light. The result is a representative survey of the Forsa Institute, which have been a number of medico-scientific organisations and the consumer organization food watch, in order. A choice of two possible new nutrition Logos: the model “guide to nutrition” of the Federal government’s own Max-Rubner Institute for nutrition research, and the colour System, Nutri-Score, which comes from France.

1003 consumers had participated in the representative Online survey. You foods have been shown by way of example, with two Nähwert Logos. You should evaluate which of the two models is clearer and the choice of healthy food rather relieved.

In the survey, 69 percent of the respondents indicated to prefer the Nutri-Score. For the “guide to nutrition” from languages in contrast, only 25 per cent. In comparison, the respondents rated the model as more of a “complicated” and “confusing”.

The “guide to nutrition” indicates unfavorable ingredients such as salt, sugar and fat per 100 grams of honeycomb. The salary is low, is colored the honeycomb blue green. In addition, there is a large comb with five stars and tiles to give the overall assessment of the food. The cheaper this is, the more the five stars and the tiles are filled.

Nutri-Score with traffic light colors

The Nutri-Score is in five steps and is based on a colour traffic light system. The scale ranges from a green a to a red E. The Logo only takes into account the nutritional value and the fat or sugar content, but also the fruit or vegetable content and offset these Nutritional components to each other. The model originally originates from France and is now also used in Belgium. In Germany, consumer advocates, and medical professional societies, especially for this model.

Hungry for fish sticks? The full-grain fish sticks from the house of Iglo cut perfectly, with a green A as the Top rating, what is likely to be especially the whole-grain content. The baking fish fingers (Iglo) have the Look.

“The survey shows German consumers want the Nutri-Score. This nutritional traffic light has been previously demonstrated in 35 scientific studies of their effectiveness,” explains Barbara Bitzer, the German Diabetes society, in a communication. “We expect that the Federal food Minister Julia Klöckner introduces the Nutri-Score as quickly as possible. A Label that feels the majority of people as confusing, is not scientifically acceptable.”

Klöckner had stressed that they “have no preference”. Currently, a survey by the Federal Ministry of food, four identification models, is still running. On the basis of own survey in the autumn, a decision on which model the government recommends voluntary use on packs.

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