Cabinet decides to measles vaccination

The Federal Cabinet has brought the law for a mandatory vaccination against measles on the way. As of March 2020, the parents must demonstrate, prior to the inclusion of their children in a nursery or school that they are vaccinated. The vaccination also applies to childminders and staff in day-care centres, schools, medical and community facilities such as Refugee shelters. In the case of violations, fines of up to 2500 euros. Unvaccinated children may not be included in day-care centres.

Children and staff at the time of the entry into force of the law in March in a nursery, school or community Agency, must have the vaccination no later than 31. July 2021 to demonstrate. Verified by the Vaccination card, the yellow child examination booklet, or by a medical certificate, stating that you had the measles already.

“We want to keep all the children from a measles infection,” said Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU). Therefore, you want to introduce the compulsory Vaccination. Background one of the world’s measles increase in diseases. In Germany were reported in the past year 543 cases. In the first months of this year, there were more than 400 cases. According to the Cabinet of Ministers must now agree to the Bundestag.

The German ethics Council, had spoken out recently against a General vaccination. In the end of June published opinion, the panel recommended a compulsory vaccination only for certain occupational groups in the health sector and in the field of education. A vaccination for children linked to financial penalties the Council of ethics rejects, however, among other things, because the children of financially disadvantaged parents were much more likely to suffer from the consequences as the children of wealthy parents.

2017 97.1 percent of school beginners were nationwide, once vaccinated against measles, the second dose had 92.8 percent. The measles can be eliminated, it would, according to the world health organization (WHO) at least 95 percent of the total population have received both vaccinations. How high is this rate in Germany is, according to the Berlin-based Robert Koch Institute, in the absence of data is not accurately determined.

Innovation in pharmacies and MDK

In addition to the measles protection act the German Federal Cabinet approved a law to strengthen the on-site pharmacies. It is regulated that is legally Insured to get prescription drugs, always at the same prices, regardless of whether or not you obtain the medication at the pharmacy around the corner or order it in the Internet. Against this proposal, there are concerns because of the European court of justice (ECJ) has overturned the previous German discount ban in 2016.

The law also provides for a better compensation of the night and emergency services in the pharmacy. In addition, pharmacists should be given the possibility, within the framework of a regional model of adult projects, to vaccinate against the flu.

Also, the third by the Cabinet of Ministers approved the law applies to Insured: It provides that the Medical service of the health insurances (MDK) is independent of the funds. He should in future act as a public-Law Corporation under the name Medical service (MD). The decision is a response to the criticism, the MDK act so far not independent.

The MDK checks, for example, applications of Insured persons for certain services and created reports. It is also used for the classification of patient into different care levels responsible.

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